Lead in Drinking Water

Lead is not normally found in drinking water at the source. Typically, lead gets into your drinking water from the service lines, plumbing and fixtures that contain lead. As a result of corrosion, lead and other metals from the pipes slowly dissolve into the water. Many factors affect the amount of lead that leaches into the water, including lead content of pipes, fixtures, and solder, along with water temperature, pH and hardness. Lead is associated with adverse health impacts even at low levels, particularly in infants and children.

Additional information is available at: https://www.state.nj.us/dep/watersupply/dwc-lead-consumer.html.

Check Your Service Line Material

Service Line map screen shot.

The State of New Jersey has required that all public community water systems provide an inventory of service line materials on both the utility and customer sides, and make that inventory available to the public.

This inventory is available through the following ESRI link: https://hmua.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2171f57e79f240718eb3ad0174b2f267

Frequently Asked Questions

Project Funding

HMUA’s Lead Service Line Replacement Project, Hackettstown, NJ, is completed as of April 2024. The final project cost of $588,684 is being financed by the New Jersey Water Bank (NJWB). The NJWB is a State Revolving Fund program jointly administered by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank (Infrastructure Bank) and uses a combination of funds provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the DEP, and the Infrastructure Bank to provide very low interest loans to borrowers for environmental infrastructure projects.

The project will protect public health and water quality by reducing the likelihood of lead entering drinking water and public waterways, and will benefit residents and businesses in Hackettstown, NJ. Further, the project will bring HMUA into compliance with the New Jersey P.L. 2021, Ch. 183 (passed July 2021), which states that galvanized service lines should be considered as lead service lines (LSLs) and thus they must be removed from all systems within a 10-year period.

State Revolving Fund programs around the nation provide states and communities the resources necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure protecting our valuable water resources nationwide.

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